luni, 23 iulie 2012

Quote Of The Day

"It seems a lot of people in power are not comfortable with women writing or directing. They think it's incompatible with motherhood or some other responsibility, and that freaks me out. A lot of women are doing amazing things as producers and executive producers, but on the creative side? Not as much, and that's deeply [...]

Uh-oh! Lindsay Lohan is NOT happy about those reports that she was getting wrecked at the SAG Awards after-party this past weekend - and is apparently ready to sue the media outlets that originally published the story!

According to sources, the former actress is worried that these reports will hinder her attempts to rejuvanate her career, and is exploring her legal options!

And just to be clear - she claims she WAS there, but she only drank water and hung out with Alan Cumming!

We'd like to think that gurlfriend would only threaten to sue if she really was being misrepresented in these stories...but we all know honesty isn't always her forte!

However, we want to see her get back on her feet, so we sincerely hope she's telling the truth!

What do U think?? Is Lindsay reformed??

[Image via WENN.]

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marți, 17 iulie 2012

Korg SP250 Digital Piano Accessories Galore

Just hearing that right song can be an emotional trigger greater than touch or taste. Because so many songs are associated with so many up or down happenings in our lives, just hearing the opening bars can take us back in time to a place where we were joyful or down in the dumps, these were some of the happiest or worst times in our life.

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luni, 16 iulie 2012

How Vinyl Dealers Have Resettled Online And Where To Look For The Best Ones

Today the main kind of music medium sold is a digital MP3 file, but before, music was always sold on a physical medium. It can be a nightmare to uncover an old collection and find that none of the items play like they did before. Each different type of music medium takes a slightly different environment to keep it performing right.

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duminică, 15 iulie 2012

HIGHlarious! Watch Justin Long Parody Mitt Romney And The Office!!!

Ha! HaHa! HaHaHa!!!
Remind us to tweet Justin Long and tell him how thankful we are. We laughed so hard, we're pretty sure we got some ab exercise in there, LOL!!
Justin parodies Mitt Romney and The Office in this HIGHlarious video we've uploaded for U!!
Watch what the wonders of firing people can do [...]

Yeah man!

It's been awhile since we've been back home ... but this is exactly how we remember!

Check out the latest video in the craze: Sh*t Miami Girls Say...And Guys! (above) Brought to you The Wednesday Nite!


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sâmbătă, 14 iulie 2012

The Crow Reboot Has A New Director Screenwriter

On Monday we learned that the presumed dead reboot Crow film found new life and is moving back into production … and today we learn that a director and screenwriter have been found to helm the film. Just days after it was reported that The Crow reboot is back in production, we now learn that [...]

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vineri, 13 iulie 2012

Heidi Klum Surfaces Amid Separation Reports

At the start of this week we learned officially that Heidi Klum and Seal have decided to separate after 7 years of marriage. Since that news broke, Seal has carried on with his scheduled television appearances to promote his new album Soul 2 and, obvs, to discuss the seeming end of his marriage. All week [...]

Alec Baldwin spoke candidly to Piers Morgan this week on CNN about the whole American Airlines incident..he laughs about it, apologizes, and says that he would only fly American Airlines again if they give everyone a device to play Words With the clip below and see what you think.

I don’t know, I like Alec Baldwin… he has had his troubles, but this week on CNN his interview is great. He is funny, honest, and a little bit tongue in cheek. Piers Morgan has a good time quizzing him about the AA incident, and he feels that he was “singled out” by a very “tough” air steward as other passengers were tweeting on their phones as he was being kicked off. Still, he apologizes for the trouble and inconvenience he might have caused to other passengers on the flight and gives some more insight into the incident explaining that in the past they had been more lenient with First Class passengers before take-off, and that he has been flying with them exclusively for 20 years.

What has he learnt? To turn his phone off as soon as you get on the plane. Yes, Alec, good advice :)

What did you think of the CNN interview?


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Famous Greek Film Director Theo Angelopoulos Has Passed Away After Road Accident

Shame. We're sure he had so much more to share.
Shortly after the Oscar nominees were announced yesterday, Greek award-winning film director Theo Angelopoulos was in a terrible accident in Athens, Greece. The 77-year-old filmmaker behind such beloved pictures as "Palme d'Or" and the 1998 Cannes Film Festival for "Eternity and a Day" was hit by [...]

You don't hear that one every day!

Former Late Night with Jimmy Fallon employee Paul Tarascio is suing both Jimmy himself and NBC Universal for discrimination!

Tarascio claims that he was fired from his position as first stage manager and replaced by a "totally incompetent woman" in '10.

According to the ex-Late Night employee, he was fired because Jimmy "prefers to take direction from a woman."

The man also claims that Jimmy's director David Diomedi "knowingly fabricated alleged performance issues," which led to his firing.

He's suing Jimmy and NBC Universal for "punitive damages and lost wages."

What do U think? Did Jimmy Fallon fire his stage manager because he prefers being bossed around by women???

[Image via WENN.]

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miercuri, 11 iulie 2012

Need A Quality Beat Maker? Here Are A Few Things You Should Look For

Ask yourself why doesn't my beat have the same sound quality as the ones I hear on the Radio? This article answers that question and tells you how to improve your sound quality and give it more impact when you create beats. When you make beats you can create beats that are really good and clever, but the sound quality reduces the impact your beat making has. Read how to make a big difference and add impact to your own creative beats.

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sâmbătă, 7 iulie 2012

Mittens And The Others Lose To Newt In South Carolina

Oh wow. Okay, um, yeah, so Newt Gingrich won the South Carolina primary in what is becoming a relentless journey to the GOP nomination. Kinda shocking, but whatever.
Soon after polls closed on Saturday, Newt was declared the winner with Mittens tailing in second place and Santorum and Paul falling far behind.
In Newt's victory speech, [...]

This is the Whitney we like to see!

This is the first look at Mz. Houston's new movie Sparkle with co-star Jordin Sparks.

And gurlfriend is looking good!

Jordin described her experience with working with her idol:

"She was so cool and very motherly toward me. If I ever looked like I needed something, here she came saying 'Are you okay?'

I sang her songs into a hairbrush when I was little. Now she's acting as my mom and scolding me. It was a dream come true."

The movie is a remake of the 1976 film about a group of singing sisters.

Whitney herself expressed her excitement on working on the period piece:

"Part of the fun of making this movie is definitely the costumes and the hairstyles. The movie is set in 1963, and we had a great wardrobe, hair and makeup person and I loved wearing the outfits."

And they suit her well. We're so glad she's looking healthy and is doing what she does best. So, so, SO hoping we get to hear her sing in the film.

Wow, we can't believe it's been 15 years since we last saw one of our favorite divas on the big screen. It's about time she makes her comeback!

[Image via Sony Pictures.]

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luni, 2 iulie 2012

Justin Bieber Selena Gomez Get SMOOCHY At Jamba Juice

Hide your eyes, Beliebers … cuz tween pop lovebirds Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are at it again. Earlier this week, Justena paid a visit to a Jamba Juice here in SoCal and as you can see from the photos below, the pair got quite frisky while they waited for their chilled juice drinks to [...]

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duminică, 1 iulie 2012

Wanna See What Snooki Looks Like Without Make Up??

What a difference neon pink lipstick, globs of mascara, and pounds of bronzer make.
Snooki tweeted the above (left) pic of herself going au naturel for an all-natural photo shoot. (Did someone really ask her to do that??)
She looks waaaaaay better and A LOT younger too! Snooki actually has really nice skin and very [...]


We know there are A TON of these out now, but this one is pretty unique.

If U live in El Lay, then U probably know some douchey actor who thinks they're the next Ryan Gosling.

Jeff Ellingson knows some... obviously!!

Watch him call out every stereotypical saying of Hollywood's aspiring movie stars.

PresSsSsSs PlaaaAAYY!!!

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sâmbătă, 30 iunie 2012

Sh*T Los Angeles Actors Say!

We know there are A TON of these out now, but this one is pretty unique.
If U live in El Lay, then U probably know some douchey actor who thinks they're the next Ryan Gosling.
Jeff Ellingson knows some… obviously!!
Watch him call out every stereotypical saying of Hollywood's aspiring movie stars.
PresSsSsSs [...]

Spotted: Gentlemen preferring one hot blonde! XOXO!

Get ready, Gossipers! Steadily approaching is the milestone 100th episode of Gossip Girl. For the occasion, there are some MAJOR things planned, like Blair Waldorf's wedding and apparently, this elaborate musical dream sequence. Fans of the show know that executive Josh Safran step outside the Upper East Side into fantasy every once and awhile, usually with Blair living out an Audrey Hepburn movie. While Leighton Meester does look ready for Breakfast at Tiffanys, it's Blake Lively that's got everyone's attention, dressed to perfection as Marilyn Monroe from her infamous Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend number.

Oh, and let's not forget about Dapper Dan and the rest of the boys! So handsome in their suits and sashes! So, how did this all come about? According to Josh, this number has been in the works since he started the show! He explains:

"We just filmed the scene the other day. It's crazy. I wrote it, and it's something I've wanted to do since Season 1. I'm very proud of that moment, and when you see it, you'll know why. It's something we've never done before. From Season 1, I said, 'I want to do this.' But it just wasn't the right time. I've been pushing it for five years, and it finally happened. I can't tell you what it is, but it's the best thing we've ever done. Everyone was so excited, and showed up to play in such a major way. They made it even more than my dreams."

WOW! Way to hype it up just a smidge!

Now, we're liking what we see here for several reasons. First, this might be the first time in a looooong time that the original kids have all been together in the same place at the same time. Granted, it's a dream, but what a way to get the whole gang back together. Second, if you check out the gallery (below) you can see a very telling picture of Serena reaching out for Dan as he makes his way towards Blair. After what we saw from this week's episode, we're thinking Serena might be ready to start things up again with Dan. So...this might actually be Serena's dream! Fun!

But...but...but... we're still holding out for Dair! What about DAIR?! Grr! Frustration station!

Thoughts other Gossip lovers? Does this seem totally out of character for the show or are U digging it?

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joi, 28 iunie 2012

A Metal Guitar Lesson on Getting Started

Diamond Head is undoubtedly one of my all time New Wave of British Heavy Metal favourites of all time right from the moment I saw them. I immediately got hold of an original copy of the legendary White Album and that was pretty much that. It's a stone cold classic for sure and I still have it to this day. Too valuable (to me at least) to play any more so we are thankful for CD reissue.

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miercuri, 27 iunie 2012

Avril Lavigne Ends Things With Her Boy Brody Jenner

After 2 years together, US Weekly has repored that our fave skater girl, Avril Lavigne has ended things with her boyfriend, Brody Jenner. The couple called it off last week because they apparently couldn’t find balance in their relationship without sacrificing their individual careers. Aww… Avril has been pretty darn successful for the age of [...]

It seems like every Hollywood star EVER has been attached to rumors of homosexuality … and that includes Hollywood stars that are no longer living. Hollywood legend James Dean is among the big name stars who was rumored to be gay and an upcoming new biopic film titled Joshua Tree, 1951: A Portrait of James Dean takes on those rumors head on. Joshua Tree tells the alleged tale of Dean‘s secret romantic relationship with men. Whether true or not, I’m sure there is a segment of the movie going population that is terribly intrigued by the notion of James Dean being gay. Click below to read more deets about this upcoming biopic film and check out the film’s trailer in full.

There has always been speculation as to what was the true sexuality of Hollywood legend James Dean. But now a film about the star will take a very specific stance on his personal life. Upcoming biopic Joshua Tree, 1951: A Portrait of James Dean, includes scenes that depict the actor having sexual encounters with a series of men. One scene shows the character of Dean making love to his male roommate in a corridor. He is also seen in the movie indulging in a tryst with another male character, this time on top of a mountain. Dean is played by relatively unknown actor James Preston, who is most famous for his role as werewolf Lukas Ford in supernatural TV drama The Gates. Also starring in the movie is Robert Gant of Queer as Folk fame, The L Word star Erin Daniels and Walk The Line actress Clare Grant. The film, which is due to be released in the summer, claims that it ‘redefines’ James Dean ‘for a new generation’, according to its website. It is not the first tribute to suggest Dean was gay. Dean’s first biographer and close friend William Bast stated that the pair had a intimate relationship. He was also described as a homosexual by screenwriter Gavin Lambert and Nicholas Ray, who directed Dean’s most celebrated movie, Rebel Without A Cause. Dean apparently avoided being drafted into the war by registering as a homosexual, which was at the time classified as a mental disorder by the US government. However according to the book The Unabridged James Dean: His Life and Legacy from A to Z, he denied being gay. He allegedly said: ‘No, I am not a homosexual. But, I’m also not going to go through life with one hand tied behind my back.’ Dean died in a car crash in 1955, aged 24, one month before the release of Rebel Without A Cause.

Aside from the obvious fantasies, I think many gays would love to believe that James Dean was gay because they would be able to see some of themselves in one of the most famous stars in the history of Hollywood. Everyone wants to feel accepted and, as screwed up as it may sound, many of us get validation when we see parts of ourselves in famous or powerful people. Minorities tend to identify with other famous minorities or people of power … and that includes gays and lesbians. I don’t think many people really understands what it means to gays (young gays, especially) when a famous person comes out of the closet. Firstly, young gays may not feel so alone if they learn that other very successful people are gay as well. Secondly, young gays have role models that they can look up to in order to emulate them (everybody does this … whether they look up to celebs, sports stars, politicians, authors, artists, their parents … everyone has role models). Whether or not James Dean was gay, I can understand the desire for some people to believe that he was. It remains to be seen how this film will do but I’m very curious to see how it is received by the movie-going audience as a whole.

What are YOUR thoughts on James Dean‘s supposed homosexuality?


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DanRad Brings The Harry Potter Gang Back Together 10 Years Later On SNL

So, DanRad made his SNL debut last night and he had us in stitches!!
During one of the night's most funniest sketches, he put on the Harry Potter robes one last time and showed us what Harry's life is like 10 years after graduating from Hogwarts.
HAHAHA this is exactly how we imagined Harry [...]

Trace Cyrus and Brenda Song were spotted buying weed!!

A Perezcious reader (and friend of ours) EXCLUSIVELY told us that Trace and Brenda were parked in the Vendome Wine and Spirits parking on Ventura in Studio City, Calif. on Thursday, where they walked into the shop next door, a marijuana-friendly vendor called P.O.T. (Private Organic Therapy).


Tsk tsk tsk, you two!

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marți, 26 iunie 2012


Trace Cyrus and Brenda Song were spotted buying weed!!
A Perezcious reader (and friend of ours) EXCLUSIVELY told us that Trace and Brenda were parked in the Vendome Wine and Spirits parking on Ventura in Studio City, Calif. on Thursday, where they walked into the shop next door, a marijuana-friendly vendor called P.O.T. (Private Organic Therapy).
Tsk [...]

Yo! Mark Wahlberg was a PIMP!

There was a time, not so long ago it feels to us, that people used Walkmans to listen to music, MTV primarily played music videos and this guy paid his bills by doing -- wait for it -- BOOM, workout videos! And let us tell you: he knew how to make you SWEAT!

Check out this vintage video of Mark back in the day, doing some pushups on chairs, hanging with "fly honeys" and flexing to the max!

Can they go back and add this into the I Love the 90s specials ... if its not already included, mind you!

OMG! That accent, Mahky Mahk! LOL!

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luni, 25 iunie 2012

Why Did Olivia Munn Pose Naked For An Ad Campaign?

Olivia Munn is the latest celebrity to get NUDE for PETA’s “I’d Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur” campaign. PETA, which stands for People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals, has had a whole horde of stars jump aboard their bandwagon in support of abolishing the wearing of fur. Read on to see some pics [...]

Word is out that Snoop Dogg is launching his own tobacco cigar line called, Executive Branch. I have to be honest when I first heard this news, I was pretty surprised. I haven’t heard of any celebs or stars putting their name to a tobacco product in YEARS. Smoking might still be as popular as ever but branding, marketing and sponsorship of tobacco has undergone some pretty massive changes over the last few years. This is certainly an interesting one…

Billboard announced yesterday that Snoop will be unveiling his cigar brand, which he says is made with “premium tobacco from the Dominican Republic,” at this year’s Coachella Festival where he will be performing. The first product released will be the Executive Branch Cigarillos. The information we have now is that the cigarillos will be sold for 99 cents a pouch, with two cigars in each package.

“Throughout my career I have been lucky enough to travel the world and try all different types of tobacco products. During my travels throughout South America and the Caribbean, I was fortunate to encounter this tobacco company, Executive Branch and was so impressed by their commitment to quality [far superior than all others], I knew I had to bring them to the States for all my fans to enjoy,” Snoop Dogg says in a press release. “Throughout 2012, we plan on releasing new styles and flavors, in which I will be working with their team to make sure all products are up to Snoop Dogg standards.”

Hmm… I’m not quite sure what to make of all of this. It just feels very strange to me. I am not naive to think that cigars and cigarettes are not still very popular, and I do know that marketing products with a celebrity is incredibly lucrative on the whole, but this just seems bizarre to me. I mean even TV shows don’t really show people smoking anymore… I think celebrities endorsing smoking is a strange phenomenon, but this goes even further because Snoop Dogg actually will have his own brand of cigars. What do you think of this??


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duminică, 24 iunie 2012

Bruckner Symphony No 7

Music is an important element in a wedding as the celebration will never feel complete without it. And we should be thankful there are wedding bands around for such an occasion. But have you ever wondered how wedding bands are formed? It must be difficult to lead and manage musicians who are all artists. How is the leadership determined and how does it work?

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sâmbătă, 23 iunie 2012

Are You There, Chelsea? Preview Videos

Tonight the highly anticipated show Are You There, Chelsea? premieres on NBC and I have preview videos galore for you to check out. By now I am pretty sure you have all seen the promo for the new show Are You There, Chelesea? which is inspired by the bestselling books from comedian Chelsea Handler, you don’t have to have read any of the books to enjoy this show. I am not going to explain the whole premise of the show or the books because well it has already been said. Instead I have for you some fabulous videos to give you a little insight to the new comedy which stars That 70’s Show alum Laura Prepon, Handler makes guest appearances. Let’s get this party started with a little overview preview video and no it is not the one that keeps airing on NBC, it is completely different. You will see what I am talking about once you watch it. Told you not the same old preview huh! Next up Chelsea and Olivia meet with a potential new roommate and let’s just say she is not what they were expecting. This one is laugh out loud good my friends. Rounding out [...]

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vineri, 22 iunie 2012

How To Have Stage Presence While Drumming

First, the bad news: because of the 2012 Olympics, UK's most renowned music festival, the Glastonbury festival, is cancelled for 2012. Alas, there are just not enough resources in the whole country to hold these two massive events all in the same year. The good news, though, is that there are plenty of other big music festivals to look forward to - and, of course, the Glastonbury will resume in 2013.

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joi, 21 iunie 2012

Variety of Casting Calls

Before going to a modeling audition, know the audition requirements and have them at hand. There are those that are very specific when it comes to what is needed. Since many do turn up, it is better to have everything needed. As part of the elimination process, they will give no notice to those who do not have everything the audition demanded. If two photos were required, then that is what should be delivered. If the models are required to show up with their own makeup kits, then that is what they should have and not expect makeup to be provided.

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miercuri, 20 iunie 2012

Kim K Wants Her Divorce Handled In Private Mediation

Twist! Bet you didn't see that one coing Kris Humphries! Hope you didn't sign any deals with any networks yet!
Going against the grain and throwing a lot of people off guard, Kim Kardashian has her legal team working very hard to ensure her divorce from Kris is handled in private mediation — no cameras allowed!
It's [...]

"I carry it with me at all times. You never know when you are going to need an Oscar!"

- Charlize Theron on her obsession with her Academy Award

[Image via FayesVision/WENN.]

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marți, 19 iunie 2012

Janet Jackson Does Leno

Janet brought her Miss Jackson days on this one!
The singer stopped by The Tonight Show and plugged her Nurtrisystem diet to Jay Leno.
She was stern with the host and whipped his butt into with the help of her trainer!
Jay's workout was specially tuned to the host and one of his Harley. He got quite the [...]

We're shocked not exactly surprised to report that Lindsay Lohan didn't pay her federal income taxes in 2009.

Whether she did it on purpose or it simply slipped her mind, she owes $93,701.57 to the IRS who have obtained a lien against her.

That means if she doesn't pay up then they'll go after all of her assets to get the mula.

Considering all of LiLo's legal fees in the past year, we're curious if she even has it! But wait...she reportedly got a cool million for posing in Playboy.

It's literally time to move it or lose it! Pay up, gurl!

[Image via WENN.]

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luni, 18 iunie 2012

Lina Sanz: Angelina Jolie Doppelganger Or Secret Love Child

Lina Sanz is Angelina Jolie’s doppelganger. No lie, this beautiful girl from Spain looks JUST like her! Check out the picture and compare it to the video interview. AMAZING. Move over Megan Fox, there is another beauty in town and she looks more like Angelina Jolie than anyone I have seen. Of course there are a lot of people trying to look like the internationally known actress, but few come close. You can actually make a decent living looking like a celebrity, so I think this girl has bright future. Lina Sanz is an aspiring actress from Spain who moved to America to study acting and try to break in the industry. She looks like a very young version of Angelina, and could certainly play her in a movie. Or be her stunt double, if her acting isn’t up to par. Lina is interviewed in the video below, where she addresses her Angelina similarities and even takes the pins out of her hair to show off her Angie mane. Of course it could be her love child, that she gave up for adoption years ago, but that is all speculation. Check out this blind item from a few years back. [...]

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duminică, 17 iunie 2012

Vintage Céline Awesomeness!

Oh, 1985! The year of big hair, laser light shows, and the beginning of the fabulous Céline!
Check out the above clip of Mz. Dion singing the classic tune Somewhere Over The Rainbow from a television spot back in 1985. It was her first time performing in English! And as always, her voice was flawless! [...]

Seems pretty simple, right?

Check out the new teaser poster for the upcoming film The Bourne Legacy (above). We're surprised they're not showing off Jeremy Renner as the new Bourne character. But maybe that's to keep us in suspense. Who knows?

The movie also stars Edward Norton, Rachel Weisz, Oscar Isaac, Scott Glenn and Albert Finney and is set to hit theatres on August 3rd.

What do U think of the new Bourne poster??

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sâmbătă, 16 iunie 2012

Arts and Entertainment:Music from

Like many composers in the 19th century, Brahms made his reputation by playing his own and other composers pieces on the piano. From what I've read, he was not the most brilliant of pianists as far as technique, but he was very musical. In his later years he hated to practice and played the premiere of his 2nd Piano Concerto after hardly touching a piano in years.

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vineri, 15 iunie 2012

BTV Solo: Beat Making Software Review Making Beats Easy

For most parents, if they want their kids to learn something, they tend to give rewards or basically offer a bribe. But did you know that giving rewards can produce negative results if not done properly? If kids get used to being rewarded for accomplishing something, they might be coerced into doing something they don't really want to do. They are only doing it because of the reward they will get after doing the task. If the reward such as candies, gifts, foods, etc., ran out, they would stop doing what they need to do. So if you want your kids to learn music, be sure that they really enjoy it and reward them in different ways.

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joi, 14 iunie 2012

Kanye West As Creative Director Of The Jetsons? Not So Much!

During his philosophical Twitter bombing Wednesday, Kanye West mixed in there a claim that he is the creative director of The Jetsons.
Turns out that's a bit untrue. And by a bit, we mean totally untrue.
Producer Denise DiNovi responded to Ye's declaration, stating that creative directors don't even exist in movies.
HA! Imagine that.
However, she did state [...]

Remember when people said they thought John McKain was too old to be president? They may have been right!

While he was supposed to be endorsing Mitt Romney for the Republican presidential candidacy at a rally in South Carolina, the senator told the conservative crowd he is confident President Obama will turn this country around.

It takes a few seconds to sink in, but Mitt casually steps in to remind old John what he was supposed to say.

"Me! You're supposed to say me you stupid old fart!" LOLz!

Just kidding! He didn't say that, but we bet he wanted to. This is one of the best political blooper's we've ever seen and maybe even...a Freudian slip?

Check out the video above and slap this on your favorite Republican's Facebook wall!

This may be on ominous sign for poor Mr. Romney!

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miercuri, 13 iunie 2012

What Are The Most Popular Makes Of Steinway Pianos?

Everyday... somewhere... someone uses one of many common expressions to describe a situation, an action, or a feeling. The person knows what they mean (and hopefully, so does their listener, also) - but few know the meaning behind the words. This collection focuses on animals...and amazing and unexpected connections to the expressions we all love to use.

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marți, 12 iunie 2012

Coupons Online Dunkin Donuts

Coupons online Dunkin Donuts and free Dunkin Donuts coupons are offered by Dunkin Donuts which is the largest baked goods and coffee chain in the world since 1950. Apart from that, Dunkin Donuts provides their loyal customers with baked goods, coffee, donuts, and bagels of high quality. However, they are immensely popular around the world [...]

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luni, 11 iunie 2012

Coupons Online Dunkin Donuts

Coupons online Dunkin Donuts and free Dunkin Donuts coupons are offered by Dunkin Donuts which is the largest baked goods and coffee chain in the world since 1950. Apart from that, Dunkin Donuts provides their loyal customers with baked goods, coffee, donuts, and bagels of high quality. However, they are immensely popular around the world [...]

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duminică, 10 iunie 2012

The History of the Piano and Piano Music

Bluegrass music has had a curious history. Almost everyone has heard of it, but few people know what it is and where it came from. It is sometime used as a catch-all term to describe any form of country music, usually acoustic in nature, that suggests pre-World War II styles. But in fact it is not an old time style at all; it did not begin to take shape as a distinct entity until the mid-forties, and it was not named until a decade later, when fans, disk jockeys and music merchandisers began to using the term "bluegrass".

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sâmbătă, 9 iunie 2012

Emergence of Bluegrass Country Songs

For any one who's dabbled in music editing, mixing, remixing, etc, you might be familiar with templates. A remix template as defined in this particular article is nothing more than a customized session template you'll form inside your Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) that incorporates your most frequently utilized audio tracks, midi tracks, return channels, plug-ins, and other settings you frequently use.

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vineri, 8 iunie 2012

Insights On Reality Rap And Rap Censorship

With Father Christmas just having left the building, now it is time to start thinking about the next big event: New Year's Eve. Throwing a New Year's party is a great way of seeing in 2012. One of the great things about New Year's Eve parties is that you can can make it your own and choose the ideal entertainment for your guests.

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joi, 7 iunie 2012

Completely Gratuitous

Yum! Even au natural this Supernatural stud is such a hottie!
Fighting the bitter cold of NYC, Jared Padalecki was spotted in the city yesterday, taking in a showing of The Book of Mormon.
How can someone so hot look so cold?! Brr!
We know someone who wouldn't mind warming him up for a bit, and they are [...]

Well, this situation just got a whole lot stickier.

We reported yesterday that Debra Messing, who recently divorced her husband, Daniel Zelman, had already started dating her Smash co-star Will Chase, but what we didn't realize that the Broadway actor was already MARRIED to Stephanie Gibson - and now they're getting divorced!

Not good!

We have a feeling that this one is a whole lot messier and a whole lot less 'amicable' than what it appears!

But hey! Maybe she can use it to pull a Brandi Glanville and land herself on Real Housewives of New York!

Gurl looks like she can weeeeeeerq it with the Countess!

[Image via WENN.]

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miercuri, 6 iunie 2012

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Avicii -- Levels Keeping dance floors packed around the world is electro chart topper Levels by Swedish Super DJ and producer Avicii. This globally accepted electronic track laced with strings, synthetic bass and an infectious blend of electrifying tempos, build ups and breakdowns that keep listeners all over grasping onto every bar of this favorite across the map and has all walks of life and tastes in music united in their enthusiasm over this progressive house electronic masterpiece. This 2011 anthem that samples Etta James's "Something's Got a Hold on Me" caught fire in the summer and has been...

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marți, 5 iunie 2012

First Listen: An Unreleased Britney Spears Song Titled Strangest Love Leaks To The Internets

I don’t know how YOU like to start your Xmas morning but for me, nothing is more exciting than waking up to the news that a new Britney Spears song has been released. Well, to be more precise, the song isn’t actually new … but it is previously unheard/unreleased. And the song wasn’t actually released, [...]

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Coupons Online Dunkin Donuts

Coupons online Dunkin Donuts and free Dunkin Donuts coupons are offered by Dunkin Donuts which is the largest baked goods and coffee chain in the world since 1950. Apart from that, Dunkin Donuts provides their loyal customers with baked goods, coffee, donuts, and bagels of high quality. However, they are immensely popular around the world [...]

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duminică, 3 iunie 2012

Kanye Debuts New Music At London Holiday Party!

Kanye West is unstoppable right now!
The rapper just completed his Watch The Throne tour with Jay-Z, but still managed to debut new material, off of his upcoming G.O.O.D. Music compilation due in Spring, during a DJ set at a holiday party at Le Baron nightclub in London last night!
Ahh! We're so jealous!
We want a [...]

Yay for Gloria Estefan!

With her latest single, Right Away, hitting the Adult Contemporary chart this week at number 28, the icon has now officially made it onto Billboard for more than 25 years, starting with her single Bad Boy, hitting at number eight back in 1986!

Of the 31 tracks to make the list, 21 have been in the top ten, including the seven number ones:

"Words Get in the Way," two weeks at No. 1, 1986

"Can't Stay Away From You," one, 1988

"Anything for You," three, 1988

"1-2-3," one, 1988

"Here We Are," five, 1990

"Cuts Both Ways," one, 1990

"Coming Out of the Dark," two, 1991


A perfect way to ring in 2012!

Congratulations, gurl!

And enjoy Right Away, off of her latest album, Little Miss Havana (above)!

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sâmbătă, 2 iunie 2012

Is Nicole Scherzinger Getting The X Factor Axe, Too?

Uh-oh! Sounds like someone wants it to sound like she's leaving on her own terms!
Nicole Scherzinger has had a less-than-stellar run on the first season of X Factor as a member of the judges panel - and a last minute replacement for Cheryl Cole - and although there have been reports that she'll be [...]

Wow! It's already breaking records and it hasn't even been released yet!

The trailer for The Dark Knight Rises was only just released on Monday, but according to a statement from Warner Bros. Pictures, the Christopher Nolan-directed conclusion to his Batman trilogy has become the most downloaded of its type via the iTunes Movie Trailers website, as well as the iTunes iOS app for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch!

Furthermore, it broke the record for most views in 24 hours with 12.5 million tuning in!

Incredible! We seriously cannot wait for this!

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vineri, 1 iunie 2012

Espionage Thriller Novels How Two Classics Founded the Genre

Many people think that caricatures are just an outdated or wacky form of entertainment, but caricaturists have made many important contributions to politics, culture, and art over the years. Whether endearing or insulting, caricaturing has a long and interesting history, and is responsible for many of America's most famous icons.

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joi, 31 mai 2012

The Advantages of Electronic Drum Kits

Playing an instrument and staying healthy at the same time; sounds good, isn't it? While many health experts agree that exercise is still the best tool in preventing certain types of sickness, there are researchers around the world who were conducting a thorough study on the health benefits of playing drums. But what does an hour of vigorous drum session or an eight-hour gig marathon can do to your health?

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marți, 29 mai 2012

Chaz Bono Girlfriend Jennifer Elia Split

Chaz Bono is a single man. He and his fiance, Jennifer Elia, are no longer planning a wedding and according to TMZ, they are “no longer a couple”. So what happened between the two? Is there allegedly a third party involved? As for why the two have called it quits, no details have been given. Howard Bragman, Bono’s rep, told TMZ: “They leave this relationship with great love, respect and affection toward one another. No further amplification will be forthcoming and they ask that you respect their privacy at this time.” The two reportedly started dating in 2005. Their relationship was the focus of the OWN Network special, “Being Chaz”, the follow-up to Bono’s documentary “Becoming Chaz”, which chronicled his gender transition. During the special that aired last month, we saw Chaz give Jennifer a diamond engagement ring atop Seattle’s Space Needle, which was filmed in May. He had told Piers Morgan at that time that they had been engaged for two years already but wedding plans had to be put on hold because he was going through the gender transition surgery. Then Chaz signed up to be a contestant on Dancing With The Stars. With the grueling practice schedule [...]

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luni, 28 mai 2012

Explore Talent In You And Let It Paint Your Dreams With Wonderful Colors

In order to become a successful model, you will have to work on your body, shape and physique on the one hand and on the other hand, you will have to groom your inner-self. Building up confidence and self esteem are equally important for you. Start living in the social circles and build up your network that could support and motivate you in the time to come.

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duminică, 27 mai 2012

Pat Monahan From Train The Voice Of Positive

Many of the Kathy Troccoli songs are written by Kathy Troccoli but occasionally she does record songs written by other artists. Did you know that Chris Rice wrote one of her biggest hits? It is not always easy to connect to the words and sounds of another artist, but she did a great job of performing the songs as if they were her own. Find out which Chris Rice songs were recorded by Kathy Troccoli.

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sâmbătă, 26 mai 2012

VOTE! Would You Rather Date Robert Downey Jr. or Tom Cruise?

Robert Downey Jr. and Tom Cruise are both bringing their hotness to the big screen this month with new, highly anticipated films. Downey appears in Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows this weekend, and Cruise returns with Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol next week.

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vineri, 25 mai 2012

Vocal Warm Up Exercises Are Extremely Important

In the mid 1800s Thomas Edison created the first phonograph, which allowed for the first time recording and playback of sound. Even though there is no direct evidence that it was based on the design, the phonautograph had come out not much before but only permitted waveforms to be recorded. He first experimented utilizing tin foil wrapped around a cylinder since it is easily imprinted and maintains the grooves.

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joi, 24 mai 2012

Revisiting the Legends of Upright Bass

Trying to nail down a favourite Beatles record is like trying to decide on your favourite flavour of ice cream, or your favourite colour. One day it might be the funky Come Together (Abbey Road, 1969) other days it might be green. One day it might be the early rocker You Can't Do That (A Hard Day's Night, 1964) other days it might be chocolate and vanilla. That is the problem - maybe the only problem - with the fab four; they just have too many wonderful songs.

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miercuri, 23 mai 2012

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Nowadays the character of music has gone by the wayside in lots of people's minds. The inexpensive nature of buying and storing various tracks has overshadowed the cover artwork and physical music medium. Fortunately for the people that still care, there is a lot of vinyl out there ready to buy. There are many ways one can go about filling in the missing areas of their collection, though it can be challenging to find the right ones.

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marți, 22 mai 2012

Elena Georgian, Romanian Soprano And Dedicated Mother

By contemporary accounts of those that heard him play, Charles-Valentin Alkan (1813 - 1888) had a technique equal to Liszt. In fact, Liszt himself said Alkan had the finest technique he had ever seen. Even after Alkan became a recluse in 1848, on the odd occasion when he would play in public he retained his technique and amazed those who heard him.

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Buxtehude Prelude, Fugue and Chaconne For Organ

While professional piano tuning fees vary by region, a basic piano tuning may cost US $75 to $150. Fees can add up quickly for a piano owner who wants a well-maintained piano. Naturally, this may lead a piano owner to wonder if tuning it themselves is an option. It is possible for some piano owners to tune their piano, however there is a lot to consider before making that decision.

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luni, 21 mai 2012

The Basics of Polyrhythms

Stage fright is an extremely common problem for many musicians, even professionals. The symptoms range from getting slight "butterflies" in the stomach to freezing up and being unable to continue a performance. Fortunately, there are techniques you can use to get past these debilitating fears. In this article I will explain some of the ways to alleviate stage fright, as well as how to use it to your advantage.

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sâmbătă, 19 mai 2012

Can Architecture Build Happiness?

Gladiators were the spectacles of blood and entertainment in the ancient Roman world. By spending the time to make your own gladiator costume, you can now be a revered spectacle in whatever event you plan on attending. This sort of costume can cost anywhere between $10 to $40 USD, depending on what materials and tools you already have, but the success of finishing and showing off is definitely worthwhile in the end.

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vineri, 18 mai 2012

Simple Tips in Starting a Track Layout

Internet and mobile technologies offer comfort and convenience for ticket buyers. No longer do fans have to wait in long lines at the box office, running the risk of the event selling out before they reach the front of the line. Online ticket sales and delivery take the hassle and risk out of buying tickets.

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joi, 17 mai 2012

Tips for Training Your Singing Voice

As a budding artist-songwriter, you have managed to write songs the audience respond well to, have signed up to your mailing list and email you back to compliment your work and sold a few of your demo CDs and earned some performance royalties from your showcases. The music venues you play at keep asking you to play instead of you asking them and they are also starting to mention to you about putting a band together, so that they can have you play at bigger nights. When all of these things start to happen, do no hesitate, it's time to...

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miercuri, 16 mai 2012

Things You Need To Learn While Reading Guitar Tabs

With the coming of new mediums to distribute, music has arrived at much better sound quality. Unfortunately, this was not necessarily true, since they bundled other positive aspects in with the new media. Realistically, a large number of mediums ended up sacrificing audio quality for portability and medium proper protection. A brief assessment of media will help anyone realize why this has been such a strange journey in media variations.

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marți, 15 mai 2012

Real Housewives Of Bedrock!

We've said it before and we'll say it again - we ADORE Phaedra Parks!
Check out a clip from last night's episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live, which features one of the best moments from this season of Real Housewives of Atlanta and our aforementioned heart's true desire, dubbed over a clip of The Flinstones in the [...]

And knowing that free bird, we wouldn't be surprised if she never married anyone!

After the shocking pregnancy announcement Kourtney Kardashian made, everyone started wondering again if she'd ever marry Scott Disick.

Then the news broke that they were definitely walking down the aisle soon. But Kris Jenner says nuh-uh! None of that is true!

Sorry, Scott! We know you've changed for the better since the 26 times you screwed up, but it looks like your baby-mama isn't putting on a beige dress anytime soon! But keep poppin' out precious babehs!

[Image via STS/WENN.]

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luni, 14 mai 2012

Woman Gets Cement Cheek Implants!

Oooohhh NO!
Remember that phony plastic surgeon we told you about? Oneal Ron Morris??
Oneal was arrested after sticking cement and super glue up a woman's butt. But that wasn't the only horrible act of malpractice O committed!
Wait, can we even call it malpractice since O isn't licensed??
Anyways, Rajee Narinesingh got more than [...]

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duminică, 13 mai 2012

The X Factor Does The Muppets!

Olly Murs is SO lucky! You know you're doing something right when you get to work with The Muppets!
His Dance With Me Tonight performance on The X Factor UK is so fun to watch! Especially when he hits on Miss Piggy! Ha…yeah, watch out Kermie!!
Ch-ch-check it out!!! Monster is a beast on the drums!

This is ... gross.

So, you know all those times you are watching Glee and Cory Monteith comes on and you forget to breathe see him glistening with sweat?

Friends, that is just the magic of TV making. This Canadian wonder isn't allowed to spew perspiration himself. They only let him use the bottled stuff.

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sâmbătă, 12 mai 2012

Michael Buble Swings Into Spider Man In New York!

And it looks like he enjoyed the show! Ha!
Michael Buble stopped by the Foxwoods Theatre this weekend and enjoyed the high-flying musical adventures of the city's friendly, neighborhood Spider-Man.
After the show, he got up close and personal with with the stars, who look just as a bit more delighted to meet him then he them.
Smile, [...]

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vineri, 11 mai 2012

Chaz Bono Proposes To Girlfriend Jennifer Elia (VIDEO)

On Sunday night, viewers will be able to see the moment Chaz Bono proposes to his girlfriend Jennifer Elia in a one hour special, ‘Being Chaz’ on Oprah Winfrey’s network, OWN. The special is a follow-up to the documentary ‘Becoming Chaz’, the focus of which chronicled his gender transition. The film was nominated for three Emmys, Outstanding Nonfiction Special, Outstanding Directing For Nonfiction Programming and Outstanding Picture Editing For Nonfiction Programming. Chaz and Jennifer have been together a little over six years now and and ‘Being Chaz’ focuses on their relationship. Just like any other couple romantically involved, there are good times and bad times. Elia is a recovering alcoholic, now sober for the last 20 months. Elia admits that she worries about Chaz, especially because of all the hate that is directed towards him as being an LGBT activist. She says in the episode: ‘People feel so angry that Chaz is entering their television. People who make change get shot, and I don’t think that’s worth it. This is insane. It’s not worth doing a show if you’re going to get shot. I don’t want him to die for a cause.’ When he proposes to Elia and presents her [...]

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joi, 10 mai 2012

Jennifer Lopez: Accomplishments Galore and a Star Who Never Forgot Her Roots

Audio Mastering is an essential part of the recording procedure. It is attributed to the fact that the lack of an audible and well edited sound can make or break a music recording. There are those we call mastering engineers who have built their mastering studios from scratch when digital mastering was not around yet.

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Audio Mastering: Transforming Noise Into Soulful Music

Learning how to sing better entails several characteristics from the singer, determination is one of them. For an aspiring singer it is important to be determined in learning how to sing but it is also important for one to be guided accordingly. The following are tips on how one can learn how to sing better.

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miercuri, 9 mai 2012

Jeremy Renner Covers Details Magazine

Jeremy Renner, the star of the upcoming Mission: Impossible sequel and The Bourne Identity reboot, is featured on the cover and in the pages of the new issue of Details magazine. In his coverstory interview, Renner talks about his pre-fame days as a house builder and also shares a bit about his life now as [...]

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marți, 8 mai 2012

How to Become a Female Model

With the abundance of information now readily available via the internet, even the world of acting is undergoing a dramatic shift. Just a few short years ago, in order to even to get started as an actor or performer, you would need to spend a relatively large amount of time and or money in getting prepared, you would need to hire an agent and wardrobe consultant and others, now it appears that those days are gone.

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luni, 7 mai 2012

The Top 5 Best Muse Songs Hyper Music or Hyped Music?

The Sony MDR-XD200 has been labelled as a wonderful pair of headphones. These headphones have been known to deliver the highest quality and is also some of the most affordable on the market. Designed with a dome type driver unit, a 40mm diameter, and long stroke diaphragms, these headphones deliver high quality performance when you are listening to your music or watching your movies. The sound produced by these headphones are very clear and comes at a frequency range 8-25,000Hz.

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duminică, 6 mai 2012

Which Music Program Should You Use?

The British Invasion of the 60s helped influence the heavy bass, smooth guitar solos and catchy beats that followed in the 70s and 80s, helping form classic American Rock and Roll that many enjoyed. Bands have carved out their names in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame by introducing new genres, including alternative, soft rock, hard rock and heavy metal, each influenced by the early British Invasion. For most bands, three big music artists stand out as the root of inspiration: Elvis Presley, The Beatles and Metallica.

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sâmbătă, 5 mai 2012

Ibanez RG350DX Guitar Review

The time of CDs and DVDs is past! What had been a very popular and convenient method to listen to music, now people have better ways than a CD and a CD player! People now use many different devices ranging for personal computers to iPods, which are compact and handy and which don't need any other extra hardware to listen to a song.

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vineri, 4 mai 2012

Famous Ukulele Songs

An article about Puccini's opera "La Fanciulla Del West" which sees a woman cheat at cards in order to, not only save the man she loves but avoid having to marry one; she in all truth does not. It being this spirit in Minnie which reminds me of my friend Marcela Vanmak, who bears many similarities to the Minnie, who is also known as the fanciulla del west or the girl from the golden west.

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joi, 3 mai 2012

Golden Globe Nominations 2011 List Announced

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. — The British monarchy tale "The King's Speech" led Golden Globe contenders Tuesday with seven nominations, including best drama and acting honors for Colin Firth, Helena Bonham Carter and Geoffrey Rush. Other best-drama nominees were the psychosexual dance thriller "Black Swan," the boxing saga "The Fighter," the sci-fi blockbuster "Inception" and the Facebook chronicle "The Social Network." Nominees in the Globes' other best-picture category, for musical or comedy, are the Lewis Carroll fantasy "Alice in Wonderland," the song-and-dance extravaganza "Burlesque," the lesbian-family tale "The Kids Are All Right," the action tale "Red" and the romantic thriller "The Tourist." "The Social Network" and "The Fighter" tied for second with six nominations each.

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miercuri, 2 mai 2012

Barbados: Reggie Medford Mahogany Artist

Magic can have many benefits beyond entertaining people. In fact, many of those benefits can actually be quite surprising. For example, can magic help to make you smarter? When you learn to perform a new task, you do, in fact, build new connections in your brain. In this way, magic is a lot like learning to juggle. It may take some time to master all of the new card tricks or perfecting street magic, but the end result is that you may end up being a little smarter. This is definitely something to keep in mind the next time you visit your local magic shop.

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marți, 1 mai 2012

10 Trivia Night Tips Pub Trivia An Entertaining Night Out

For many years the British seem to have become obsessed with the wildlife, flora and fauna of anywhere other than that of their own country. Trips to the Arctic wilderness have increased, at the same time us well travelled Brits visit Africa and India to witness what their natural world have, and go further afield to witness the vast Great Barrier Reef or wonders of Yellowstone National Park. But just recently there has been a renaissance in our interest in our own wildlife in the UK.

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luni, 30 aprilie 2012

Stupid Celebrities Monday Links

Beyonce and Jay-Z Take a Romantic Vacation Down Under–Holly Wire World’s Oldest Mom Wants More Kids?–Right Celebrity Suffers From Tinnitus–The Celebrity Cafe The Obama Christmas Family Photos–Bitten and Bound Steven Tyler Wants Miley Cyrus to Call Him–Tonic Gossip Madonna is Banned From Piers Morgan’s New Show–Girls Talkin Smack Lady Gaga the Professor?–Celebrity Dirty Laundry [...]

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duminică, 29 aprilie 2012

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Having a great vintage guitar collection is incredibly hard to attain these days. There are many different brands out there that people are trying their hardest to get their hands on. In order to get the very best deal, be sure to look around for a true vintage Gibson Guitar set at the right price. There are many great benefits that come along with this particular brands so start looking right now.

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sâmbătă, 28 aprilie 2012

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vineri, 27 aprilie 2012

Christina Aguilera Matt Rutler Make Their Way To London

Last week Christina Aguilera and her new boyfriend Matthew Rutler made their way to Japan and then earlier this week, amid the Internet leaking of Xtina‘s racy personal photos, the couple passed thru Spain on the Burlesque promo tour. Today we learn that Xtina and Matt traveled on to London, England so that she could [...]

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joi, 26 aprilie 2012

Cleveland Browns vs Buffalo Bills: NFL Live Stream and Coverage on CBS

Cleveland Browns vs Buffalo Bills: NFL Live Stream and Coverage on CBS - It’s a role the Cleveland Browns aren’t exactly accustomed to. In fact, in a season during which they’ve managed just five wins in 12 games, it’s usually been as an underdog that the Eric Mangini-led team has made its biggest impact

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